ecosystem for entrepreneurs

sâmbătă, 30 aprilie 2016

Swiscoin - earn money easily and legally

How to register in Swiscoin

The first steps to registration Swiscoin - earn money easily and legally

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It is literally the easiest way to make money you've ever met.
* You do not need technical skills
* You do not need any prior experience
* We must not lose time!
Quick results and more money !!!

 Take a free tour and then follow some simple steps to begin to mine swiscoin 
Please be careful when entering the correct address Bitcoin to demand purchase / withdrawal in back office your Swiscoin. 
A tutorial simple and fast: 
[1] Click payment method back office.

[2] Select BTC (Bitcoin) click  
[3] See details in order to send Bitcoin field in the next window

[4] write exactly the indicated amount to make the purchase 
Congratulations you are now a member Swiscoin and choose one of the packages mining 
[5] Click Account Upgrade menu

[6] Select the desired package (eg PRO SELLER) 
[7] Click payment method  
[8] Select BTC (Bitcoin) click 
[9] See the details to send Bitcoin in the field in the next window

[10] write exactly the indicated amount to make the purchase 
                     records you  click on the button below

miercuri, 27 aprilie 2016

Swiscoin mолодая, перспективная, быстро набирающая популярность криптовалюта.


Хочешь заработать на буме криптовалют? Начни с облачного майнинга – нулевые вложения в оборудование, мгновенный старт, полное управление процессом добычи криптовалюты.

Самая известная и популярная в Мире криптовалюта.

Молодая, перспективная, быстро набирающая популярность криптовалюта.

По распространённости идёт сразу после Bitcoin.

Swiscoin реальная фирма облачного майнинга криптовалют. Лично мне очень понравилась прозрачность майнинга. В других фирмах вы покупаете мощности, но не имеете ни какого понятия, через какой пул эта фирма добывает криптовалюту и добывает ли вообще. Swiscoin пошел по другому пути. Он продает вам мощности и предоставляет список пулов.Также стоит отметить низкую комиссию за вывод. В целом, данный сервис вызывает только положительные эмоции.За простой и симпатичный личный кабинет. Спасибо за то, что учишь нас терпению.


Вы уже получили Специальный Бонус Токенов? Осталось меньше недели, чтобы успеть воспользоваться удивительным предложением и получить  токенов в пакетах! Вы также можете объединить токен бонус с другими нашими промоушенами, чтобы получить максимальное количество монет!
Глобальное событие в КИЕВ  приближается и осталось уже очень мало билетов! Чем раньше вы забронируете места - тем лучше, не упустите шанс получить бесплатные билеты, проверьте свой бэк-офис, чтобы узнать как!

Часы тикают и Глобальное Событие в КИЕВ с каждым днем все ближе! Билеты распродаются очень быстро, поэтому убедитесь, что вы забронировали ваши места как можно скорее, прежде чем они будут распроданы!

luni, 25 aprilie 2016

Swiscoin The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Financial Portfolio!

So you can start earning money with Swiscoin - Your Profitable Swiscoin cloud mining If like, register now
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Why cryptocurrency, why Swiscoin??!!!
Because cryptocurrency and blockchain are the future of online payment.
Swiscoin, because is easy to buy and in time the value will rose. Is promote in MLM and win from network.
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Swiscoin Cryptocurrency big up gets bigger

The masive big up increase swiscoin cryptocurrency is rapidly achieving recognition and popularity as it progresses with its development and integration phase with community's support.

Swiscoin is a relatively new cryptocurrency that has made rapid progress in terms of user adoption and community contributions towards its development. The lifestyle cryptocurrency is now integrated with new wallets and exchange portals.

About Swiscoin 

Swiscoin is a truly decentralized lifestyle cryptocurrency with special emphasis on positive, encouraging and supportive ecosystem, the cryptocurrency adopts a community driven approach. This approach has allowed Swiscoin to become the fastest growing cryptocurrency till date, within a matter of month since its launch.

Swiscoin Specifications:

Name – Swiscoin

Symbol – SCN 

60 minutes block targets
subsidy halves in 840k blocks (~4 years)
~3.1 billion total coins

12 coins per block

10 blocks to retarget difficulty

-Swiscoin is released under the terms of the MIT license.

For more information about swiscoin wallet source can be accessed , how can trade swiscoin visit:


One of our core values at SwisCoin is to ensure we comply with all regulations that make payments and transactions transparent, safe, and secure. Therefore, in order to prevent individuals from engaging in dubious behavior, Swiscoin has taken active steps in monitoring the market and implementing rules aligned with the legal development.
For example, to prevent money laundering, identity theft, financial fraud and terrorist financing, Swiscoin has implemented KYC (know-your-customer) rules, thus disrupting possible misconduct.
Swiscoin is also the first company in the world to audit its blockchain. The procedure is carried out by an external, independent auditor. So far the results from each audit clearly show that the Swiscoin blockchain is consistent, meaning that there are no coins mined outside of it, nor are there any alterations to it. For more information about Swiscoin's compliance with international regulations.

sâmbătă, 23 aprilie 2016

SwisCoin increase Up to 12$ to end 2016

The Prediction For the price of swiscoin has risen from 0.46$ to 12$ for end 2016. 

Curent swiscoin rate is 1.5$. 

The Swiscoin industry is still in its infancy, which means that there is a lot to look forward to in the future. In 2016, the future of the Swiscoin industry is bright, and that’s not very surprising, given the fact that the price of Swiscoin is quickly skyrocketing. In 2015, the price of the Swiscoin soared from 0.10$ to more than $0.439 from September to December. Those are pretty impressive numbers; and numbers like that look as if they are going to be the trend throughout 2016. And that’s very welcome news, after a rocky beginning. The sudden rice in the price of Swiscoin has certainly attracted attention to this digital currency and what the future has in store for it.

In fact, the projections for the price of the 2016 Swiscoin reflects a fresh understanding of this digital currency and has drawn attention to the fact that the Swiscoin will certainly play an important role in the world’s financial system in the coming years.

Some experts predict that the value of the Swiscoin will climb by more than $12 in 2016. And if these projections aren’t impressive, than hold onto your horses, because you are going to be completely astounded by the next predictions.

Given the projections for bitcoins, not only in 2016, but over the next decade, there is the potential to make a great deal of money.

Swiscoin started at september 2015 that time swiscoin rate is only 0.10$ after 6 months swiscoin rate are Increase up to 1.5$ and also Around 30000 members are join in swiscoin network in last 6 month.

In view of recent demand and growth, It appears that prices in End of the Dec 2016 will go up to 12$. In Last 6 month swiscoin rate are only continue goes up. More than140 Countries member are joining Swiscoin network.

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Prices for our services are very low, compared both to physical miners and other cloud mining services. This leads to fast ROI (Return of Investment).
In case someone is doubting whether it is a good move to participate, and also secure a position in top of the Swiscoin network.
Low on cash? Don't worry, we offer an amazing referral program, where you earn 10% of any payment that users referred by you makes!

Getting started is easy with our one Button Bitcoin Investing.
It does not have to be difficul to Invest with Bitcoin. Select one of our predefined plans fit your budget and place your order instantly. 

We know the markets and you will be a winner, if trends are going up or down does not matter in our trades, our specialists works professional and act fast.

If you want to learn more about Swiscoin and see more profits in the future then come join us below: 

You must decided for the cryptocurrency Swicoin because it's really cheap and it has good staking rewards.
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marți, 12 aprilie 2016

Swiscoin utilizing blockchain technology

What is swiscoin ?

Swiscoin is a peer-to-peer Internet currency that enables instant, near-zero cost payments to anyone in the world. Swiscoin is an open source, global payment network that is fully decentralized without any central authorities. Mathematics secures the network and empowers individuals to control their own finances. Swiscoin features faster transaction confirmation times and improved storage efficiency than the leading math-based currency. With substantial industry support, trade volume and liquidity, Swiscoin is a proven medium of commerce complementary to Bitcoin. Swiscoin is digital money used for secure and instant transfer of value anywhere in the world, with no borders or limits. There is no government, company, or bank in charge. Utilizing blockchain technology, Swiscoin are issued and managed without any central authority. Every user with a Swiscoin wallet plays an important role in processing transactions on the decentralized, peer-to-peer network. Interest is earned by each participant and users stay in full control of their money.

  Mining Reward

Mining is the process of adding transaction records to Swiscoin's public ledger of past transactions. Swiscoin nodes use the block chain to distinguish legitimate Swiscoin transactions from attempts to re-spend coins that have already been spent elsewhere. Miners are currently awarded with 12 new Swiscoins per block, an amount which gets halved roughly every 4 years (every 840,000 blocks).

  Wallet Encryption

Swiscoin wallet store swiscoin as well as a physical wallet. The users of Swiscoin wallet only accept transactions for that block chain, making it the Swiscoin block chain that everyone else wants to use. When a wallet is encrypted, the passphrase is required to top up the keypool, thus, if the passphrase is rarely entered, it is possible that keypool might run out.

 Open Source Software

Swiscoin is an open source software project released under the MIT/X11 license which gives you the power to run, modify, and copy the software and to distribute, at your option, modified copies of the software. The software is released in a transparent process that allows for independent verification of binaries and their corresponding source code.


Swiscoin blockchain is essentially just a record, or ledger — one that’s distributed, or shared between many different parties. The Swiscoin blockchain contains a verifiable record of every transaction ever made. It can only be updated through consensus of a majority of the participants in the system. Once entered, information can never be erased. It creates a true record of events, past and present.

SwisCoin is being a leading Crypto currency allowing the users to make instant payments and to make money transfers securely throughout the Internet, opening unique opportunities to Internet users and owners of the Internet businesses. SwiCoin targets to bring the transactions on the Internet to the ideal level! That is the currency you want to transfer and use that’s called SwisCoin. SwisCoin is an innovative payment network and a new kind of money, With a great compensation marketing plan. Swiscoin is a big idea. It is designed to be a world currency and the currency of choice for entrepreneurs. We combine development skills, International infra-structure, real world entrepreneurial know how, a Global network and user base, and a Global Vision in our DNA, creating a platform for growth second to none.

vineri, 1 aprilie 2016

Kinek való a SwisCoin üzlet?

Már csak akkor hallottál a bitcoinról, amikor egekbe szökött az árfolyama? Vagy korábban is, de nem vetted komolyan? A "következő bitcoin" sikertörténetéből Te is profitálhatsz! Bár a jövőt én sem ismerem, a tények, összefüggések és szakértői vélemények engem meggyőztek.

Kétségtelenül kell lenni valaminek, hogy a Swiscoin uralja a hálózatépítők kereseti listáját kevesebb mint 1 év alatt. Igen van, de nem az, amire gondolsz. Egy rendkívül okos elosztási rendszert tettek nagyon igazságossá, ami miatt sokkal több ember keres pénzt, mint úgy általában.

A legujabb cryptovalutával, az Swiscoin-nal kapcsolatos magas hozamú, egyedülálló befektetési lehetőség, a Swiscoin Hungary első számú magyarországi csoportja, valódi szakmai tudással, ködösítés, félrebeszélés és hazugságok nélkül. Minden ezzel kapcsolatos hír, információ átadása kicserélése, a mi üzleti struktúránkban érvényes regisztrációval és csomaggal rendelkező tagja számára.

Pár hónapja az ára az egekbe szökött, mindenki Swiscoin akar venni, van aki csak 100 dollárért, van aki a vagyonának egyre nagyobb részét tartja ebben. A duma mögötte a világ pénzügyi bizonytalansága, bár megjegyzem, azért vannak ennél kézzelfoghatóbb eszközök is ilyen célra, például az ingatlan, arany és társaik. Íme az árfolyam alakulása: 

Swiscoin meg hódítja a világot Tarts velünk nem bánod meg !
Ha a Bitcoinról lemaradtál, akkor használd ki a swiscoin cryptovaluta erejét!
Ismerd meg a Swiscoin üzletet!
Egy üzlet, amely teljesen felrúgta a hálózatépítés tradícióját!
Más a módszer, más a sebesség, és más az eredmény!