$ = {SP + (T + [T + C] + TEDD) + (Go - Gr) x N} x M - The business formula!
This is my formula for a successful business. If implemented correctly and exactly how described, you should see a great increase in business. Not only in how it runs, but, also earnings.
First off, Let me say this so that everyone knows.
Now, with that said. Let's continue.
First let me explain what each part of the formula represents.
$ = {SP + (T + [T + C] + TEDD) + (Go - Gr) x N} x M
Money = {Successful Programs + (Trust + [Teamwork + Communication] + Time, Effort, Determination, Dedication) + (Goals - Greed) x Networking} x Marketing
Now let me explain the formula in parts. I will explain what each part of the formula is, and why it's important.
1. Successful Programs - THE BIGGEST part of your business, is your programs. Without a successful program. There is NO business. The first thing that any business HAS to have. Is a product or a program that they promote to make their money. Best thing to do is to check on your program and see if they have any sponsors or any seals. Seals such as the BBB seal. Next, you're going to want to research the program to make sure its a legitimate company.
Make sure you do your research.
The last thing that anyone wants is a program that's not going to pay them. Who's going to want to work hard, and not get paid their dues?
2. Trust - The main thing between a business and its customers. Even business to affiliates! That one main thing that will decide the successfulness of a company, is trust. Without trust a business will get no where. The business depends on trust. Not only the trust of business to promoters. But, business to customers. A customer will not buy from someone they do not trust. So you're going to want to build a trust bond between your customers and affiliates. You're going to also want to build trust amongst your network. Let them know that, Without trust no one will go anywhere in the business. That's just a fact!
3. Teamwork - Teamwork is a very important thing for any company, business, or program. The teamwork amongst not only affiliates, but, also downlines and the company itself. A good business with help each other within the business do what they need to, to help each other make the money. Without teamwork, a business is only doomed to fail.
4. Communication - THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO YOUR BUSINESS!!! Communication not only with your network, but also your customers. You need to find out what interests your customers and how you can get their attention. Follow up on what they think of any products they have personally bought from you as well. Also, communication with your network is vital to your successes.If you have no communication with your network, YOU HAVE NO NETWORK!!! Be sure to keep in touch with your network and find out what works for them. Find out about new marketing ideas and so on.
5. Time, Effort, Determination, Dedication - This is a major thing on your part. The more time and effort you dedicate to your programs. The more money that you're going to make. You have to dedicate as much time and effort as you possibly can. Without these factors, you will lose determination and eventually lose business.
6. Goals - Goals are very important to a home business. Best thing to do is set small goals and write them down, On paper, notepad, or even set up a checklist and mark off each goal as you achieve them. This will help you stay on track and will help you in the long run. Do not set your goals too high, as if you do not make them you will be discouraged.
7. Greed - Greed is a very big factor in a business. As people get greedy of their earning they lose site of the customers and what they want. If someone gets greedy they get sloppy. If they get sloppy, they lose business. That's just common sense. The most important thing in a business, are the customers. If your customers are happy then your business will be great. If you get too greedy it WILL BE the fall of your business.
8. Networking - Networking is a major part of your business. People often refer to networking as "Referrals". The more people you have in your network the more money you will potentially earn. But, you also want you network to follow the same formula if you want a successful business. If your network gets sloppy or greedy it will lead to the down fall of you as well. Remember, that you want all your business's customers to be happy, as the more happy customers... the more money made.
9. Marketing - Marketing is just as important as the programs themselves. You want a marketing system that's going to get you the targeted people that are looking for the particular program that you market. If you use a marketing technique that doesn't bring you the customers that you desire, then try a different technique. If you can find more then one that work, then use more then one. The more targeted customers, the better.
Anything else that I think is important for people to know about Owning/Operating a business, will be posted below this.
1. Quality - If you own/operate a site, then you would know just as any major business does. That quality is a major factor in a successful company. This applies to not only the site, but, the product as well. If the product's quality isn't very good, then the customers will not be as interested as they would be in a product of higher quality. Take that into account when designing a site or when choosing a product. Make sure your customers know also the quality of the product. What are the products best traits? Remember that when talking to your next customer.
2. Patience - As I said above, making millions isn't going to happen over night. You must have patience, good things come to those who wait. But, not just patience toward your programs, but patience toward your customers as well. Rushing a customer or forcing a product onto a customer is not a good idea. Being patient and answering all question a customer has rather then forcing a product onto them or rushing them into making a purchase, can mean the loss or gain of a customer. Be very careful, and take your time.
As far as this formula is concerned. You want to make sure you follow it closely. As if you lose sight of one part, the rest is sure to fail. Be sure to keep in contact with your customers, and also your network. If you learn something new about a particular program or marketing technique that works. Then tell your network, Help them help you.
If I happen to think of anything else to add to this. I will add it as soon as it comes to mind. This is a very detailed description of the formula and how to implement it. So please use it wisely, and it will treat you well.
If anyone is still in search of a program, feel free to visit http://Venit_Pasiv.STIFORPPRO.com for more information and for other free guides and things like this posting.
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