Onecoin concept has immense intrinsic value as a self-regulating frictionless payment network affordable to almost anyone. Onecoin, like the Internet, is one of those innovations that can break down barriers; information barriers in the case of the Internet, and financial barriers with Onecoin.
Onecoin can do no wrong. It is a cryptocurrency that is free of central bank control, is decentralized, and it has proven that it can serve as a store of value for people who lose trust in their national currency (Greece, for example). However, the supply of every currency is controlled by some function, and in the case of the Onecoin it is through the process known as "mining." In layman's terms, Onecoin mining is the only way to introduce new currency to the marketplace, and it is performed by "miners" who use expensive software to solve math problems in exchange for the currency.
While the increase difficulty of mining Bitcoin in the digital market, the way that Onecoin are created is very easy and low difficulty mining that causes growing number of users. Primarily, it incentives miners to hoard the currency upon receiving it. This is one of the main causes of price volatility .”
As a fee-only financial planner, I have a fiduciary responsibility to my clients to only recommend investments that are suitable to their specific investment plan and risk profile. While my clients’ risk tolerances run the gamut from conservative to aggressive, Onecoin, with its short history, stabile price, recommend as an good investment.
Onecoin as a concept, I love it! A global crypto-currency would eliminate the need for exchanges making global commerce easier by increasing efficiency, reducing transaction costs, and ultimately reducing costs for the end consumer. Even better, Onecoin is not controlled by a central bank, thereby reducing the risk of manipulation from authoritarian governments. And with a limited supply, inflation should be kept at a minimum.
Think of the implications of a currency that has no borders, bars no one from entry, and is not controlled by a government. At a time when we're seeing just how much power is abused... I think the world is ready for a currency that is decentralized and controlled by the people. But yes, Onecoin still has a journey ahead of it. It needs greater adoption, and more simplicity to appeal to the general public. But then again, the general public should be more informed anyway. Monetary decisions affect them more than the people that make the decisions.
I am so glad that you are interested in OneCoin. Let's see if the support holds ,Tycoon is definitely the way to go if you can do so without putting yourself under financial stress. With the Tycoon package you are GUARANTEED 2 splits and you get more tokens! Every time there is a split your tokens are DOUBLED! So getting as many tokens as you can is the "name of the game" right now. We use our tokens to mine for OneCoins, the more tokens, the more OneCoins you get. Because demand is going up and some major Fortune 500 companies are looking to offer OneCoin as a form of payment, the value of the OneCoin and tokens will be going up.
Getting in now will get you more tokens per dollar. If you can't do the Tycoon then definitely the $1K Euro or $3K Euro is also a good way to go. Again, make a decision that feels best for you and your situation. Understanding everyone's situation is different, I personally don't recommend anyone getting anything below a ProTrader. If you get a lower package now and then decide to upgrade later, that is no problem. When you do upgrade, you will be paying full price for the high package and getting the full amount of tokens for each purchase.
For example, if you start at a ProTrader (10,000 tokens) and then later upgrade to Tycoon (60,000 tokens) you will have received 70,000 tokens for $6,000 Euro. Again, there is a sense of urgency because the difficulty of mining is going to rise from 4.5 tokens/1 OneCoin to 7 tokens/1 Coin. So for $5000 Euro you are essentially getting 13,333 OneCoins now as opposed to 8,571 OneCoins later. With OneCoin projected to rise to a value of $100 USD/coin, you can see the impact....that's potentially a difference of $47,762!..... And that isn't even taking the splits into account OR the binary compensation if you choose to engage that side of it!!
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