Is Swiscoin the cryptocurrency future?
This question should in other words be divided into two:
1.Is this technology (blockchain) the future?
2.Will Swiscoin become the leading cryptocurrency, which consequently uses blockchain technology?

The world is now in an exciting change! Blockchain contains a lot more than just payment or transfer of funds. Anything of value can use the blockchain technology. We are introducing a lot more than just a new currency, we will no longer need traditional banking – many of the bank functions will be totally vanish. Not least the fact that cryptocurrency is decentralized, and not controlled by governments, this is one of the most democratic contributions to mankind - ever! We are in no doubt that the development of blockchain technology is the greatest thing that has happened since the origins of the Internet!
To get a good introduction to the blockchain technology one should go through this topic under chapter “1 Introduction”, and watch the relevant movies in chapter 3 Films. Even after a relatively quick introduction to the blockchain technology we should be able to see that blockchain has the potential to "dig into” the most fundamental parts of the financial market.
How does the financial world react to this new opportunity?
We believe that it is of crucial importance how the financial market handles blockchain - for better or worse. We want to point out that is not running the financial market's errand, rather the contrary. Nevertheless, we will keep a close eye on what they are doing. This is because the development and distribution of blockchain will be greatly influenced by how the financial world welcomes this new opportunity. We believe that the development speed of blockchain will go faster if the financial world realize that this is what they need to take action to immediately and adapt to. On the contrary, it could go much slower if they use "all their energy" to oppose this development. We have reason to expect that both cases will occur - as long as there are large, conservative financial companies (and we know there are) there will always be someone who is going to want to slow down this process.
A. Annual meeting of the Institute of International Finance.
On the website of Institutional Investor we find this very well-written summary from the big meeting in the financial world. Where it appears how typical and comical it is when you ask the same question to a Bitcoin enthusiast versus a traditional bank person: "what will the significances of blockchain be ": "Larsen and other Bitcoin boosters presented the lack of central monetary authority as the great strength of the new generation of distributed, peer-to-peer payment system (blockchain); the bank think that's Reviews their biggest weakness" (Although this article goes back to October 2014, it is still highly topical.).
B. Goldman Sachs - one of the world's most powerful financial advisors.
From “Goldman Sachs is a big bull on blockchain, the distributed ledger software that underpins digital currency bitcoin. In an "Emerging Theme Radar" note sent to clients on Wednesday, the bank says: "While the Bitcoin hype cycle has gone quiet, Silicon Valley and Wall Street are betting that the underlying technology behind it,the blockchain, can change... well everything."
C. Ex-JP Morgan Chase & Co. executive Blythe Masters.
Article from Blythe Masters is considered to be a very significant and creative person in the financial world. As the previos director of the US's largest bank (J.P. Morgan) she left her traces - now she’s changed careers: "Ex-JP Morgan Chase & Co. executive Blythe Masters has joined Bitcoin trading platform Digital Assets Holdings LLC as chief executive. In a statement to the Wall Street Journal, the commodities veteran expressed here belief That blockchain technology can restore confidence and trust in the financial markets. Masters, the shapes head of global commodities at JP Morgan Chase & Co, said: "Digital Assets has a revolutionary technology platform That Eliminate the counter party risk and lack of transparency That has hindered mainstream adoption of cryptographic technology. The possibilities for Reducing Cost and Risk in settlement are enormous. " Doing so would result in something "truly revolutionary", she added". Also see this 2 minute speech of Blythe Masters, where she asks: "how seriously should we take this (blockchain)", where she responds, ".. about as seriously as you should have taken internet in the early 90s - it's a big deal".
Question 2 - Response (Will Swiscoin become the leading provider of this technology?).
(Several of the following considerations also supports the value / importance of blockchain in general.)
Bitcoin, the only cryptocurrency that preliminary has achieved an appreciable extent, is very volatile. The value has varied considerably, and it still varies a lot. We will not even try to analyze this. Eg. the rate changed on 12 December from US $ 418-450 - on the same day! Follow developments here: This is very unfortunate and can easily lead to many not dare using Bitcoin - the risk of significant loss is too high. We need a substantially more stable cryptocurrency. So, how can Swiscoin contribute to it? Comparison with Bitcoin:
Swiscoin will be produced in a 100 times as large numbers.
Swiscoin utilizes a substantially higher encrypted security.
Swiscoin is demanding high user ID - Bitcoin users are completely anonymous.
Swiscoin being registered on the stock exchange - Bitcoin can not be registered because it is not organized in any way.
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A great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!
RăspundețiȘtergereA great piece that sheds much needed light on some of the great theoretical/ideological debates in the contemporary crypto space. At CleanApp Foundation, we appreciate the emphasis on pragmatism, and emphasis on Blockchain/DTL/Crypto projects that offer real social utility. Looking forward to engaging more with your crew!