To my fellow, propective onecoin miners, Please take note that you are not a onecoin investor, but a onecoin miner:
We will create confusion among the people if we leave them hanging by simply saying this is an investment and your money doubled, tripled without doing anything. Investment is a platform where your money, literally, grew. In onecoin, your money did not grow, please take note that it is the value of your cryptocurrency that grew over time. To say its an investment gives them an idea that onecoin is just like how other investment schemes work in other companies -- pyramiding, monoline, etc., which made your money grew at the expense of others investments -- Ponzo Schemes.
So what onecoin is? Onecoin is an educational package about
cryptocurrency. Let me qualify that by using illustrations. The onecoins in your dashboards are like the Golds you personally mined through your account the moment you submit your tokens. These golds were mined in the ground "yuta" designed and initiated by Dr.Ruja. That ground is the custom made solution, which has elements of scrypt and x11 (THE ALGORITHM OF ONECOIN/program language). So you went to Dr. Ruja's Ground to mine some golds when you bought the Starter package or so and submit tokens. Unlike Bitcoin that uses ALTCOIN which is OPEN SOURCE, its like the GROUND is open to the public and anyone who enters the ground have the freedom to mine since the source is visible. With Dr. Ruja's ground, she created fences around it (meaning the algorithm of onecoin is NOT OPEN SOURCE). Why did she hide it? If she cannot control the number of people coming in and mining the golds, there will be price explosions and price depressions of the gold, thus, creating shaky and unstable currency - the big disadvantage of bitcoin, today.
Dr. Ruja, wants to create a stable currency for the members to be utilized in the public exchange very soon. There are two major reasons, in my opinion why bitcoin today is not much utilized and untrusted...(1) only few knows about cryptocurrency, and only the Computer literates can mine...(2) bitcoin cryptocurrency is too shaky, e.g., $500 today $300 the next few days. With these, Dr. Ruja needs to control the law of supply and demand to make this onecoin cryptocurrency stable, hiding the source, thus creating trust among the users. Onecoin is designed mainly to be utilized, only that the early adaptors take the advantage of buying it low and utilizing or selling it with higher value in the future. Like if you have 1onecoin today and you got it with only €2.45 , soon 1onecoin can buy a Gucci Bag with €100 price in 2 years. You may sell that onecoin or you may utilized it by buying your favee bag. Imagine if you have many onecoins, today!!! So mine up as many onecoins as possible!!!
Onecoin investors are those who will buy onecoins from the onecoin miners. So you are not a onecoin investor but a miner.
You are the creator of the coins through the advantage of onecoin unique algo mining platform. An investor buy small, sell high. A miner mine coins at lower cost (lower token price/lower difficulty) and may sell the onecoins higher price in time. As a miner, there is a high demand of studying in oneAcademy because the ground created by Dr. Ruja will not always be advantageous for early adaptors. If you happen to simultaneously sell your coins at prices lower than your cost, even if you mine the earliest, you will lose. Your goal really is to sell the coins higher than the cost, because that is where you earn.
Dr. Ruja is actually offering two products, the mining ground which is way better than bitcoin... and the educational package that teaches you more about profiting in the cryptocurrency business. She is not selling onecoins, neither did she create the coins. It is you who create the coins. She mainly cater the expenses for the mining costs, created the mining platform and educate miners about Profiting in cryptocurrency.
You are a miner not an investor. You did not invest for money growth. You invest for education that will lead you to overwhelming money growth. An investor may lose, but an educated miner will always win! JOIN NOW!!!
Then log-in and choose tap mining
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(I recommend eth coin)
Now you are mining ! miner pool
Easy multi-currency mining software & 1-click GUI miner.
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