ecosystem for entrepreneurs

vineri, 27 mai 2016

How to Make EASY Money for Swis coin

Swiscoin, which calls itself the world’s first fully-decentralized cryptocurrency, recently launched a campaign to raise in top 3 cryptocurency industries. The goal is to have the technology and resources to build a blockchain technology and provide a better network experience. Swis coin will reward contributors in SCN – the network’s own currency . 

After encryption, the circulating amount of SwisCoin is locked to 3 Billion. Most will be issued within 3 years stage by stage in accordance to the demand for the coin., cutting-edge mainstream services in terms of the user experience – and that we expect would allow us to reach our first million users.
Users can amplify their presence on the mining network by investing  to increase the price . Hence, anyone on the network can purchase coin by exchange. 

Only 8 millions  has been mining during the presale. $0.07 is which means Swiscoin  are now worth $16,260,000 during the first half year. Will they reach top 3 market capital ? Do you think this will help or hinder the rise of Swiscoin this end of 2016 to 12$ or high?

Now lets do the math!
because it is RECURRING income, it DOUBLES, and this is really the true power of the Swiscoin
And once you’re satisfied with your monthly income, you may choose to simply stop promoting your automated website. However, the sales you’ve already made will STILL come to your cash account MONTH AFTER MONTH! So you’ll be making monthly RESIDUAL income on COMPLETE AUTOPILOT thereafter, because you do not need to handle ANY customer support!
You get the point and potential of this, if you just make 2 to 5 sales everyday, soon you’ll be making $11000+/day in less than 3 months, or much more! And you’ll be on your way to financial freedom!

miercuri, 25 mai 2016

If you missed , ETH, DAO and LISK this is the best time to take RISE

This is the best time to take a pause for awhile. 
Let's go into open/public cryptocoins.
Don't MISS this one.

The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) just began at 6am (EST) Tuesday, May 10th and end at 11:59pm (EST) Tuesday, June 24th.


2.) Go to Profile and SEND BITCOINS to YOUR BTC ADDRESS in RISE ACCOUNT. (It will automatically convert into RISE)


Imagine if RISE hits $5 ABOVE on its LAUNCH
Please remember this quote 
"I don't regret the things I've done, I regret the things I didn't do when I had the chance"

luni, 23 mai 2016

Swiscoin la Criptovaluta del Futuro! MEGA OPPORTUNITA'

Se vuoi approfittare di Cryptomoneta e vuoi costruire il tuo Futuro di Successo con SwisCoin; OGGI E' LA TUA OCCASIONE!

Cari Visitatori, non possiamo nascondere che stiamo facendo un progetto di raro valore ed importanza al livello mondiale, da più di un anno seguiamo ed impariamo incrementare grandi investimenti e come oggi riusciamo a guadagnare cifre importanti di decine di migliaia di euro al anno. 

Considerato già dagli specialisti come il miglior investimento del secolo!
SwisCoin sta superando ogni target previsto a suo tempo. Sta ripercorrendo la strada di Bitcoin ma sta crescendo in modo molto più veloce.

A ottobre 2015 SwisCoin valeva 0,1$. Ora dopo circa di 8 mesi vale già 1.9$. Si parla di target di 200$,  o più (BitCoin è arrivata a 1.200$).
In accordo con la fondatrice di Swiscoin, il valore Swiscoin potrà arrivare fino a 100$ entro la fine del 2017.
Questo potrà essere il miglior investimento della tua vita.
In questo momento, Swiscoin è la lotta maggiore criptovaluta (moneta digitale) del mondo a soli 8 mesi dal lancio, abbiamo più membri della più famosa BITCOIN.

Ora sono più di 50000 membri e crescono ogni giorno in media di 500 membri al giorno.
SwisCoin ha battuto tutti i record nel settore del network marketing:
• ATTRAENTE: un'azienda che ha un prodotto che aumenta di valore ogni settimana. Tutti i grandi leader e dirigenti del mondo si stanno spostando, entrando in SwisCoin!

Swiscoin la Criptovaluta del Futuro!

Network Marketing

Che ti piaccia o no, il Network Marketing, o Multi Level Marketing, è un Metodo di Lavoro, che può effettivamente permettere Guadagni ingenti e fare Carriera!

Signori e Signore, Rullo di Tamburi!!!
Per una Vita intera ti fai un Culo cosi', e mentre ti guardi allo Specchio ogni mattina, ti dici, ma perchè le cose non cambiano.. Quanto vorrei che ci fosse qualcosa di nuovo per me oggi... Passano gli Autunni, e le cose non cambiano...
Ma arriva un giorno, in cui tutto si predispone incredibilmente e magicamente, non sai il perchè, ma è arrivato per te il tempo della Poesia. E, dentro di te lo sapevi, lo hai sempre saputo, "abbiamo faticato tanto nella nostra Vita, e ora il Karma, l'Universo, o chi vogliamo, ci sta dando tutto con gli Interessi."

È possibile caricare il tuo e-wallet, al momento tramite bonifico bancario e da BitCoin. Per depositi tramite bonifico bancario all’interno dell’UE: È sufficiente trasferire l’importo desiderato sul conto del nostro fornitore di servizi.

La formazione SWISCOIN e i pacchetti In SWISCOIN C’è il pacchetto di formazione giusta per ognuno. Ogni pacchetto include un chiaro programma strutturato di formazione * sulle valute Crypto e il loro uso in modo da diventare professionisti di crypto valuta. Inoltre, si ottiene a seconda del pacchetto scelto i seguenti servizi: • un numero definito di gettoni omaggio per il mining SWISCOIN • L’accesso alla negoziazione sulla Borsa-SWISCOIN * • Diritto di partecipare a uno, due o tre split, per cui i token gratuiti originali verranno raddoppiati, o addirittura triplicati. Come nuovo arrivato puoi fare la registrazione sempre gratuita e senza impegno al livello free . Da Free Si può iniziare subito con lo sviluppo del business e già nel back office vedere la propria situazione e la propria struttura. Se si sceglie di fare attivamente SWISCOIN, caricare il vostro e-wallet per comprare uno o più pacchetti di formazione. Questo pacchetto di formazione, è sempre in conformità con le opportunità finanziarie.

SWISCOIN e’ per tutte le tasche con 6 diversi pacchetti di investimento. Il pacchetto più piccolo (BEGINNER) costa 100$, il più grande pacchetto (PREMIUM SELLER) è da 11000 $. Account Pro: Al primo acquisto nel negozio solo la prima volta (una volta sola) si paga la quota di iscrizione di 20,00 $ (a parte il pacchetto).

joi, 12 mai 2016

SWISEXCHANGE LAUNCHED - Another brilliant reason i use SCN

We are very happy to announce that we have launched swisexchange successfully for swiscoins traders.
Swisexchange is a peer-to-peer swiscoin exchange. We have created a marketplace where users can buy and sell Swiscoin and Bitcoins to and from each other. Users, called traders, create the request for buying and selling with the price they want to offer. Users can find traders buying and selling Swiscoin and Bitcoins online.
Swisexchange is very fast and secure for transaction among the traders globally, it takes very little time for any transaction after order confirmed. We have made it very flexible and user friendly ,even fresh user can easily understand and can start to trade. User can trade swiscoin and bitcoin to any members globally. We have prepared a proper guide and FAQ for easy information and inquiry form for fast communication for any query and question.
This platform allows users to exchange their Bitcoins to Swiscoins and vice a versa by requesting, any user can store Swiscoins and Bitcoins as much as they need.
It will make the fast growth for financial transactions for even for local region.

So it has started Swiscoin as a currency and store of value. Friend from New Zealand asked if I could send him some coins in exchange for a website he could develop for me
Swiscoin is here and you will wish you joined when you heard about it. For those who continue to say it's no good keep watching, it will eat you inside forever that you knew about it and just blew it off.

duminică, 8 mai 2016

Du mit Swiscoin gute Geschäfte machen und sehr gut verdienen

Die kryptische Währung ist das Geld der Zukunft. Die digitale Währung ist ganz klar die Zukunft in der Onlinezahlung.

Wer bereits seit den Anfängen der SwisCoins dabei ist, hat die größte Chance, als Gewinner aus dem Coin-Goldrausch hervorzugehen. 

Wir wie auch fast alle haben den ersten digitalen Goldrausch mit BitCoins im Jahr 2009 verpasst. Aber hier ist unsere zweite Chance. Das Timing ist perfekt!

Als neuer Nutzer können Sie mit SwisCoin loslegen auch ohne erstmal die technischen Details zu verstehen. In erster Linie ist es wichtig sich so schnell wie möglich einen Platz zu sichern und damit zu der obersten Elite dazu zugehören.

Willst du auch von Beginn an dabei sein?
Offizieler Mining Start
-Mehr Bonusprogramme 
-Top Vergütungsplan
-Top Karriereplan
-Mehrere Zahlungsmöglichleiten in € (Per Banküberweisung und Bitcoin)
Jetzt bist du auch mal von Anfang an dabei, wenn eine weltweite Bewegung entsteht.
Swiscoin Neu 
Bau dir ein starkes Team auf nutze diese Chance, das ist das perfekte timing.
Nutze die Gunst der Stunde.

Du hast die Möglichkeit bei den ersten dazu zugehören und wenn du ein Team aufbauen möchtest ein ordentliches Einkommen zu erzielen.
 (schaue mal was Bitcoins wert sind) da siehst du schon mal das Potenzial was möglich sein kann. 
Nach der Aufbauphase kaufst du dir ein Schulungspaket, dadurch bekommst du Tokens.
Diese Tokens werden in ein Miningpool angelegt in dem der Server mathematische Rechenwege zu einem Ziel berechnet. Wenn dieser alles berechnet hat bekommt man Coins. 
Jede neue Berechnung dauert länger, weil immer wenn ein Coin hergestellt wird andere ein anderes Ergebnis erzielt wird, je mehr Berechnungen gemacht werden, desto schwieriger ist es ein Coin herzustellen. (Der frühere Einstieg wäre dadurch optimal) und steigert den Wert des Coins, da dieser bei Angebot und Nachfrage gehandelt wird. 
Da Coins limitiert sind in der Menge kommt es mit der Zeit zur Wertsteigerungt.
Da du pro Paket nur eine gewisse Menge an Coins bekommst kannst du entweder Coins verkaufen um höhere Pakete zu kaufen oder du reinvestierst an neue Pakete.
Du kannst von den Käufen deiner Partner 10% erhalten in Euro um damit neue Pakete zu erwerben.
Da bekommst du sogenannte BV Punkte von deinen Partnern die deinen Status erheblich steigern werden. 
Je mehr BV und aktive Mitglieder du hasst oder bekommst, desto höher wird der Bonus.
Je Aktiver du und dein Team ist desto mehr Vorteile hasst du durch Swiscoin.
Aber nur die ersten haben die Chance Millionäre zu werden.

luni, 2 mai 2016

Experiences of Earning & Learning of Swiscoin

Guys are you sitting on a PLANE waiting for it to move ?? You have to go full throttle to get your business to TAKE OFF!!! Splitometer status 99%

*** Income for long term *** 
Swiscoin do not need anymore Proof or Convincing.. We are merely educating and sharing!!

Swiscoin Process mining is very simple!!
1. Choose and secure your educational package that comes with tokens, the higher the package , the higher the number of tokens.
2. Wait for the split barometer to reach 100% to double your number of tokens.
3. Submit your doubled tokens for mining to produce coins
4. Wait for escrow period for your coins to be called free coins (today's rate is 1 swiscoin- 1.55 dollar)
However, if you will do the networking side and wants to refer your friends so that they too can earn from the appreciation of Swiscoin value, you will get high paying rewards and bonuses. Bonuses and Rewards are the second way to earn. But please take note that this is completely optional.
You may also earn by educating people regarding the importance of securing Crypto Currency as early as now.
Swiscoin created a way to motivate people to promote it with a very simple compensation plan. (This is not compulsary but just another way to earn)

Direct Referral Bonus - you will get 10% of all the people you refer regardless of account type.
Network Bonus - Your sales organization is based on two legs.
The leg with the lowest sales volume within a calculation period (one day) 10% of this Business Volume (BV) is paid out daily.
The same amount of Business Volume (BV) will be deducted from your "Greater Network" eg (the leg with the higher Business Volume for the daily period).
Matching Bonus - You will get a bonus up to 6th Generation with a payout of up to 25%.