ecosystem for entrepreneurs

luni, 2 mai 2016

Experiences of Earning & Learning of Swiscoin

Guys are you sitting on a PLANE waiting for it to move ?? You have to go full throttle to get your business to TAKE OFF!!! Splitometer status 99%

*** Income for long term *** 
Swiscoin do not need anymore Proof or Convincing.. We are merely educating and sharing!!

Swiscoin Process mining is very simple!!
1. Choose and secure your educational package that comes with tokens, the higher the package , the higher the number of tokens.
2. Wait for the split barometer to reach 100% to double your number of tokens.
3. Submit your doubled tokens for mining to produce coins
4. Wait for escrow period for your coins to be called free coins (today's rate is 1 swiscoin- 1.55 dollar)
However, if you will do the networking side and wants to refer your friends so that they too can earn from the appreciation of Swiscoin value, you will get high paying rewards and bonuses. Bonuses and Rewards are the second way to earn. But please take note that this is completely optional.
You may also earn by educating people regarding the importance of securing Crypto Currency as early as now.
Swiscoin created a way to motivate people to promote it with a very simple compensation plan. (This is not compulsary but just another way to earn)

Direct Referral Bonus - you will get 10% of all the people you refer regardless of account type.
Network Bonus - Your sales organization is based on two legs.
The leg with the lowest sales volume within a calculation period (one day) 10% of this Business Volume (BV) is paid out daily.
The same amount of Business Volume (BV) will be deducted from your "Greater Network" eg (the leg with the higher Business Volume for the daily period).
Matching Bonus - You will get a bonus up to 6th Generation with a payout of up to 25%.

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